Advertise With Us

970 * 250px

Google Billboard Ad is the advertising platform of Google. This ad will be displayed in the top of the header .where ads are served to users when they perform a search. Google AdWords improves the visibility of the brand and brings in faster results. Google AdWords itself is a boon to advertisers to speed the process of revenue generation.

728 * 90px

Leaderboard Ad is rectangular advertising space displayed in below header. highly visible ad size-cost-effective tool for branding, product awareness, lead generation, direct sales. Print-Friendly pages for articles and recipes feature top of page placement. Printed pages offer extended branding power.

468 * 60px

You can advertise your business to potential customers with a variety of media and advertising techniques ready to spread your message to specific audiences. This will be displayed in a banner section of the paper and it is Inexpensive, Targeted, Repetitive, Reusable, Effective.

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